Monday, 4 April 2011

Cheeky Bird

Dad called me to the balcony. I hurried up getting dressed and came out. A cheeky looking rainbow lorikeet was sitting on the ledge head turned towards my Dad’s girlfriend Karen. Suddenly it flew up onto Karen’s head. It then found her earrings and eyed them. The bird got one of her earrings out of her ear and held it tightly in it’s beak. Dad started a tug of war with the bird.

I heard my toast pop. I quickly ran inside and spread peanut butter on it and went back outside with a piece in my hand. The cheeky bird was back on the ledge. I lent on the ledge to eat, and the bird spotted my toast. It hopped onto my hand and started making its way to the hand with the toast in it. I pulled the toast away and it bit my arm. Goodbye toast.

I put the rest of my toast on the ledge and went back inside, for the other piece. When I came back outside, the bird had pushed my toast over the edge! How rude! It heard me coming and turned around. I stepped backwards into the house to avoid that incident again.
by Jessica B.

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